4 days off

Vacation is a easy time for me to skip running. A short trip to Georgia proved to be no exception. The weather was rough. It rained quite a bit, but it was laziness that kept me on my tush during the breaks in the downpour. Several days of eating pancakes for breakfast and one dinner of all-you-can-eat fried chicken didn't exactly motivate me to move either, but it was mighty tasty.

Back in Boston life has returned to normal. Yogurt and fruit have replaced the yummy morning pancakes. Spinach and salmon have usurped fried chicken from my evening diet. In 4 days you can't do too much damage, but I will have to have a bit more discipline for 18 days in Portugal.

How far are you going with all that water?

I bought a water belt for my long runs. Ever since then I have dreamt of the day someone would run up next to me to ask: "How far are you going with all that water?"

I suppose it is the peer recognition I was craving. Needless to say it hadn't happened. Not until this past Monday. I was out for my longest run to date, 14 miles, and a lady in red shorts presented the question. I answered her to the hundredth of a mile, 14.32 miles. Her follow-up question was even better than I imagined.

"Wow, are you training for a marathon?"

So, thank you lady in the red running gear. You made the rest of my long run that much easier.

No New York

I have registered for the Bay State Marathon. It is Sunday, October 15th in Lowell, MA. It is a small race on a fast, flat course. Now I am compiling training programs to decide how to proceed. I am hoping to run it in under 4 hours. Just under 4, but under 4 nonetheless. Now I just have to figure out how to do that.

New York Update

90,000 people have registered for the New York City Marathon. The website announces that the results will not take 2 weeks, but only a couple of days. I should know on Wednesday if my number was pulled and I get to run the race.

The Grand Plan

I will run the New York City Marathon for a charity. That will mean a summer of running, training with a team, and fundraising. It will be a practice run for Boston. I will learn what training for a marathon takes physically as well as learn a lot about fundraising. I am really looking forward to joining a group. It will be great to work with other people.

Now if The Grand Plan doesn't work out I will still join a team and help fundraise. I have not decided if I will find another marathon to run in the fall or if I will just run shorter distances.

Right now I am not thinking about that plan too much. I am just hopeful for New York.


Today is the day. The last day to register for the New York City Marathon. In two weeks all of the names will be pulled and I will know if New York has decided that I will run my first marathon this year.